Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Brewing up watered-down PVA


My jar of watered-down PVA is nearly empty, so it's time to brew up a new batch. The recipie for this most useful of modelling mediums is simple. 

Mix equal parts of PVA glue (woodwork version prefered, not the shiny stuff for kids) and warm water. Add in a couple of drops of washing up liquid, to reduce the surface tension, and give it a good stirr. 

And then, my little trick, leave it alone for at least a day. This seems to ensure the stuff mixes properly, and you don't end up with too many lumps of neat PVA when spreading it around. 

I know there are more modern glues, and some use rubbing alcohol to reduce the surface tension, but this works for me, and I love the simplicy. 

1 comment:

  1. G'day Phil,

    Try Latex glue in replacement of your favored PVA Adhesive.
    A simple switch & I will have to try your little trick as I usually make the amount required when needed.

    Cheers Woz
