Monday, July 22, 2024

Sailing into Model Boats magazine


Heng tugboat on Model Boats magazine

I've not done this for a while - appeared in Model Boats magazine!

The subject of my review is the Heng Long ready-to-sail tugboat that I bought from P&S Hobbies at Easter. Maybe it needs a little assembly, but not much and nothing technical, so it is RTR. 

You'll have to read the article for the full details, but suffice to say I have sailed this little model a lot sinve I bought it, and really enjoyed the experience. As a way to get someone into the hobby, it's perfect. Not too expensive and yet offering proper radio control. Not too large either, it's been down the lake in my rucksack a few time, although it now has a proper box for both boat and controller. 


  1. I know you built a proper one, but I could imagine popping a bantam tug superstructure on that.

  2. I see what you mean. For that money, this hull couple became the basis for a few models. It's only held by 5 screws, so easy enough to remove.
