Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Warehouse Wednesday - King's Lynn quayside

King's Lynn quayside

The last couple of photos from my trip to King's Lynn, this time shots on the quayside. Sadly, my online research has failed to find out much about these very modelable buildings, but I'm in rush tonight, so if anyone can dig anything out, stick it in the comments. 

As a model they have the benefit of bing quite small, and providing a lot of variety in designs. Stick some tracks in front of them, and you have the basis for a nice looking micro layout. Plenty of modelling would be required to do them justice of course.

The custom house id described as "An elegant classical building designed by Henry Bell. Built in 1683 and opened as a merchants exchange in 1685." and is the sort of building any quayside model coupld accomodate. It would make a different scratchbuilding project, perhaps using the Superquick Market Square house as a basis? 

King's Lynn quayside


  1. One thing to be aware of is that some features here were added for a film and aren't as historic as they seem. There is an excellent book on the port and the railways

  2. I've seen that at shows. Might have to find some bookshelf space for it.

  3. It will take you down a few rabbit holes, like the number of X-craft lighters from the Gallipoli campaign converted into East Coast coasters. As I've said before, that quay has the makings of a great micro layout, especially given the buildings are suitable for being converted into card buildings since you can get clear photos of the frontages.
