Friday, August 09, 2024

Being bowled over with the September issue of BRM


4mm scale bowling green

Challenges can appear when you least expect them. Obviously, I produce a lot of modelling for BRM magazine, and you think I'd had a go at most things, but it turns out that replicating a 4mm scale bowling green, is much harder than normal scenery. 

I managed it, but there was a fair bit of trail and error along the way. I learnt quite a bit about the sport by Grandad loved along the way too. 

A simpler project is a bus stop. 

Bus stop

This is one of my 4-step tasks, ideal for a lazy evenings modelmaking. 

The camera has been out too.

Scarlington - N gauge


Ddualt - 009


South Wearing - O gauge

South Wearing


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    That mat doesn’t look like Crown Green Bowls. I hope you haven’t modelled the other sort!
    Well done anyway. Chris W (GGR)

  2. It's Lawn Bowls. That's what we play in Royal Leamington Spa! Also, I didn't fancy trying to model the Crown Green pitch, as it's not flat.
