Thursday, August 22, 2024

Edgeworth out of storage


I'm having a bit of a clear out at the moment. The storage is looking fuller than I am comfortable with, so it's time to do something about it. First up, a set of baseboards that have been sitting around for over six years were found a new home via RMweb, then it was time for another layout to go. 

Edgeworth was built back in 2014. It was my first BRM project layout, and as such, extensivly written up as a series in the magazine. We then spun this off into a bookazine The BRM Guide to building your first model railway - basically the articles brought together with a load of extra material. 

After that the layout visited a couple of Warners shows, and then was boxed up and stored in the back of my storage container. It's sat there for ten years!

Anyway, I agreed with my boss, it was time for the model to find a new home, and one Sunday evening, popped an advert up on RMweb. An hour later, Terry, the Stafford show exhibition manager, grabbed the chance to take it off my hands. He'd been looking at the old articles, and considering building the model as a winter project, and I've made his life easier. 

One thing that had worried me was what the state of the layout would be after all this time. It wasn't wrapped in plastic, and in the back corner of the metal box, there wasn't any airflow.

It turns out I needn't have worried. The layout was in an excellent state. Some oxidisation on the bolts holding it in the carrying boards was the only problem. A shot of WD40 sorted the two I couldn't easily free with my fingers, and I gave them all a blast once they were accesible, just to be on the safe side. 

The only problem with all of this - I can't find the control panel! It's big enough that I'd thought I'd just put my hand on it. As it is, I need to find the thing, and then work out how to get it over to Terry. Perhaps I'll have to go to Stafford show on the Sunday after all. 

Update: I have found the control panel, and Terry doesn't need it as he plans to inflict the evil DCC on the layout!

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