Friday, September 13, 2024

Driver Phil


What should I get someone for their birthday? How about a little model of me. 

Obviously, this is what everyone wants, especially my friend Ken. This isn't ego on my part, but simply when we'd been running on his line, I gave the Rob Bennet make mini Phil I carry around at all times (that's not weird) a trip around the line in his AnDel Models gas-mechanical. 

Little Phil fitted in the cab perfectly, and Ken decided he'd like one as a driver in the diesel. Now, we can't have Editor Phil getting his tweed jacket dirty, what is required is Driver Phil

I had a couple of spare models, and so quickly painted one up with something a bit closer to enginemans overalls, and a suitable wash of dirt. 

As expected, Driver Phil is a perfect fit, and Ken is delighted. The figure is Blu-Tacked into the cab, carefully positioned to allow access to the on/off switch. 

Now, where can I get one of those locos? Ken's is a really lovely performer with its remote control. Time to start watching the second-hand market. At least I know where I can find someone for the cab!

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