Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Replacement Romfords


Close up, the Ghillie chassis is very much of its time. Rectangular frames made from thick brass are screwed together with spacers. Plastic centre wheels screw to a D-ended axle. There's a lot of K's kit technology in here. Not terrible, but dated. 

I'm not going to replace the frames. Since the loco is a pastiche, what shape should they be? Anyway, I like a bit of over engineering. The wheels will have to go though, as they are falling apart. 

Fortunatly, I have enough of a parts stash that four 16mm diameter Romfords are quickly found, along with the axles, which fit nicely into the original holes. I probably bought them for something else, but have forgotten what right now. There's almost certainly the wrong number of spokes too, but then this isn't a real loco, is it?

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