Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hind engine

Hind engine
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
According to the instructions the hind (rear) engine unit is the harder of the two to construct. I suppose this is true but it's hardly difficult compared to many etched brass locomotive kits.

As for the front unit there is an inner skeleton. This is slightly more complicated than the last one to allow for the coal bunker. The wrapper is the same as before - half etched for detail and nice and easy to bend.

The fiddliest bit is the rivet detail and beading around the top of the leading edge, 2 thin bits of brass that need neat soldering to retain the detail. A hot iron, lots of flux and little solder do the job here though. Actually I was quite please with myself here as it's none well without resorting to the RSU.

With all that done there is a box to make up for the end, the lamp iron and step to do and the job is done. I've nearly run out of etched bits for this kit. Only the waggly bits to go, so nothing scary then !

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