Friday, October 17, 2008

Putting the Garratt together

Current Garratt
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
When I really "get into" building a model locomotive or boat I have the ability to waste great chunks of time doing something that probably seems pointless to those of a more mechanical bend. I simply can't stop myself putting the various sub-assemblies together. Not so I can check they fit, I do that as well, but because I like to see the model I'm making materialise in front of me.

Normally this is restricted to popping chimneys and domes in place to get "the look" but in this instance I have 5 distinct parts to bring to the job. The boiler unit can be hooked up to the power unit frames and then the bodies for these set in place.

To be honest until I receive another tranche of parts new week, this is as far as I wish to go. The whitemetal detailing could be applied to the boiler but I'd prefer to have the thing running before then - it seems a more natural way to work.

Over the weekend I'm at the Uckfield Model Railway show followed by a couple of days stewarding at the Midlands Model Engineering exhibition so this break is just a short interlude. Next week (hopefully) construction will commence with a vengeance.

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