Friday, January 30, 2015

Dirty choccie wagon

Dirty Cadbury Wagon

For a generic Dapol body stuck on a 1980s Peco chassis, I'm thinking this looks OK now it's finished.

Weathering was simple enough, first, the blue paint was dry-brushed with the same colour let down with pale grey. Black bits were dry-brushed grey, anything metal with rust.

Then a wash of Vallejo flat earth with a hint of the same firms flat brown on the metal areas. The trick is to put it on and then remove most of the paint with a wet brush, working in downward strokes.

Once dry, some Humbrol weathering powders - black and smoke - were worked over the surface, again finished with downward strokes with a stiff brush.

The aim was a dirty finish but with the colours showing through. No point on starting with a yellow wagon if it ends up the colour of a turd instead of a buttercup!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Wooo... there's no blue! Nicely done Mr P.
