Saturday, January 31, 2015

New forms of Zap-a-Gap


Regular readers will know of my preference for the Zap-a-Gap range of superglue. Normally this is supplied in bottles but recently two more options have appears on the scene.

The pen is potentially the most useful. If you can accurately place drops of glue on on a model then that saves putting a pool on some plastic and transferring glue. Sadly, despite a cap including a short pin being part of the package, the nozzle always seems to be bunged up. Doesn't seem to matter which way up you store the thing either.

On the other hand, paintable glue is brilliant. I've been sticking etched brass to plastic with it and it's a lot easier than applying with a bottle. The cap has a brush inside. My only complain is that the pot is 7g in weight and I recon it won't last that long. It really needs holding down too as the small footprint makes it an easy spill. I'll be bagging a spare as soon as I see one though.


  1. Searching for sources here in Sweden, I discovered that this is marketed to fly fishers!

  2. How does one clean the brush each time?

  3. Odds - You don't. It lives in the glue all the time. I'll find out how much of a problem this is as I use it up...
