Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Book Review: Industrial Railways of Southern England in Colour by Jeffery Grayer

Giving blood can be expensive. The Birmingham centre I use is a 30 seconds walk from the Ian Allan bookshop so after dishing out the squidgy stuff and enjoying a delicious Club Biscuit, it seems only sensible to continue my recovery by perusing their shelves.

Normally, this doesn't add much to the weight of my rucksack. Sometime there is even amusement to be had when the assistants have to deploy the air freshener after visits from certain customers who are obviously well known to them.

Anyway, wandering in there last time, I spot this book. It claims to have pictures of industrial railways and since this interests me, I flick though. What I expect is some nice photos but nothing exciting.

I was wrong. One of the first photos shows proper steam trains running in the streets of Farnborough.

The killer images though, are on pages 67 and 68 - Colour photos of the Hellingly Hospital Railway!!!

Of course this meant that I have to buy a copy. The £18.50 price made me gulp slightly but if I'm honest, the rest of the book is well worth the money. It's not full of coal mines for a start. Instead there is a real variety of industries including several that cry out for modelling.

Even if you aren't interested in Hellingly, it's worth a look. I certainly want to know more about the lines in Farnborough and those at APCM Southfleet. Even the watercress lines at Bere Regis, which I've seen pictures of but never taken a lot of notice of in the past, look amazing.

Industrial Railways of Southern England in Colour at Amazon

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