Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bulldog controls

More scratchbuilding. My Bulldog has a cab back and folding roof. The kit has neither so I've had to add the bodywork.

Firstly, the back was cut and fixed. It leans backward slightly, a job I've done by eye. Next, the sides were cut too large, placed in and the top of the mudguard drawn on them. A quick trim and they went in next. Lashings of plastic solvent and everything is held in place.

Finally, the kit controls were fitted. They're pretty good too although there should be an extra pod sticking out of the dashboard with two switches on it, I assume for the lights.

The tractor is looking less like farm machinery and more like a vintage car all the time.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Its always nice seeing what a new or restored vehicle looks like but how about modelling one that has been well used/pre restoration. Taking the preverbial hammer to those nice smooth mud guards?!!


  2. Most of my models are of well-used stuff. In my novel, the Bulldog is freshly restored, as is the prototype I'm following so for me, it's a change to build something in good nick!
