Monday, July 27, 2015

Windscreen on

Windscreen added

According to my measurements, the Lanz Bulldog windscreen is fractionally under 2 feet tall. I bent the frame from some tiny square section brass. Whatever the photo appears to show, it IS square and not tapering.

Around the base, construction is a mix of microstrip and Deluxe Perfect Plastic filler. During sanding I managed to bend the mudguards in a bit but I'll fix those. The angled supports need re-fitting in this side too.

Handy hint: Don't take photos of your models, they are too cruel.


  1. Handy hint: take photos of your models as you're making them. Photos amplify imperfections so you can see what looks good, what looks acceptable and what needs fixing.

    This model looks pretty good to me!

  2. Photos of modelling is indeed cruel, to show any detail you need to be much closer with the camera than you ever would be in real life and imperfections show that would never be seen or at least would be miniscule if face to face with the model.

    It's looking great, you're turning that ugly duckling of a kit into a model swan
