Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday Film Club: German yachting on a small scale

I don't speak German, or understand why their newsreaders aren't allowed to sit down,but I do love this model boating that takes place in Freiburg. It looks like great fun, although I think making your boat would be more entertaining than simply buying it from a stall. 

They look nice and easy to build too. A handy lockdown project for anyone with bits of wood kicking around perhaps? 

(Hat tip to the People Power blog run by Andy for this one)


  1. You don't see this in the UK because we have rubber duck races instead (Wolston does a good one in your neck of the woods)

  2. the Youtube auto translate actually does a reasonable job of it, I was able to basically understand what they were saying. Quite an interesting sounding place.

  3. I'm glad you liked the video. Why German reporters have to stand is one of the mysteries of German popular culture, along with the strange infatuation of radio stations with 80's rock music...

    The commentary is basically explaining the background of the boats and who makes them, and the annual "race". Incidentally I looked up how many of those boats get made per year and it is a lot, seriously: they are one of the main earners of the workshop. We made upwards of 200 last week alone, and they sell as fast as they are made.

    Also, last week I was given a broken boat and allowed to remake it, so I get the best of both worlds...
