Sunday, May 31, 2020

Lockdown sailing

As the world changes thanks to Coronavirus, some things evolve. Supermarkets keep people apart. Pubs offer takeaway beer. And KMBC now has a booking system so we can get out and have a sail.

Thanks to the hard work of our website manager, it's now possible for members to book access to the lake ensuring no more than two people are present at one time.

And thanks to that work, I have been down for a pleasant sail with my dad a couple of times. It's nice to get out into the countryside for fresh air and without the need to drive 250 miles.

We've even re-started the weekly chip buttie treat. Before the food is unpacked, the plastic table is given a thorough dose of disinfectant and then wiped down. Food isn't allowed to touch it, sitting on paper or plates - but then that's no different to the pre-Covid world as I don't want pigeon poop on my chips - and there is plenty of hand sanitising going on.

The point of this ramble is to try and dispel some of the gloom around. We are going to have to live with this virus in some form for a long while. However, when a model boat club can adapt to the "new normal" there is hope that other organisations can do something. Who knows, maybe necessity being the mother of invention, something better may emerge in some cases?


  1. Just been down to the local park in Buxton where I live with the dogs, which is where the local boat club meet on a Sunday morning. I'm hoping one of them reads this post and works out a similar system, I used to like stopping and watching the boats gently drift along.

  2. Phil
    para 2. Did you really mean "not possible" or did auto-correct change "now possible"?

    from the husband of an ex-copy editor.


  3. David - Good spot. Now fixed. Thanks!
