Friday, January 22, 2021

Getting the needle


My mum has been having a clear-out and decided that she has more knitting needles than she needs. I know this, because the excess were suddenly donated to me. 

Now, I shouldn't look a gift-horse in the mouth, but I'm struggling to work out what I can use them for. Experience tells me that the plastic-coated metal versions are made from a very hard metal that is difficult to cut and doesn't bend well. 

But, I don't like chucking things away if there is a use* So, I ask my blog readers - any suggestions? 

*no, I don't plan to take up knitting.


  1. Grrr. Blogger has updated itself in the last few months and for some reason, entering the title is clunky. Normally, I go back and check now, but forgot this time.

  2. N-scale ballistic missile factory?
