Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday Film Club: What's in a 1972 dustcart?


 Thanks to my collegue, Howard Smith, for spotting this. An interesting 10 minute documentary on waste disposal with some terrific 1970s vehicles and even railway interest right at the end. 

I guess the London waste plan must have been state-of-the-art at the time. It's certainly clean enough to have hardly seen any use. Not sure I fancy being a traffic controller there. The days must have been very long...


  1. Dave Francis8:00 PM

    The 'railway interest' would be 600 Ferrous Fragmentisers Ltd (associated with George Cohen), the opposite side of the WCML to Willesden depot. 03018 was the main source of interest there until the mid '80s.

  2. Looks like those 16 tonners may be overloaded, when scrap was loaded at our local station there was no weighbridge, wagons were weighed at destination, Deepcar, Deepfields or Aldwarke. the wagon weight came back to the goods office for charging some were nearly up to 30 ton loads, no wonder so many hot boxes.
