Thursday, April 21, 2022

Lights and exhibiting in BRM


As the DHAPR wagonworks layout project reaches it's conclusion, it's time for a couple of wrap-up articles and a walk around on BRM TV. 

One aspect of layout building I rarely dig into, is adding lights to a model. It's a nice idea, but often drops off the end of the list. Not this time, I've illuminated the model with three different methods, and the results look good. 

I've also taken a look at some past layouts from BRM after dark to see how other people have done this. 

Since the layout was built to appear at the London Festival of Railway Modelling, I've recounded the tale of its first outing, as well as providing a few hints and tips for those who fancy doing the same. As shows return, there must be some newbies contemplating throwing thier model into the car and deposting it in front of the public - well, this old hand can provide a bit of sage advice. 

Finally, I've been out with the camera again - this time taking photos of Norman Raven's "Humphrey Road Sidings". Being very nerdy, my favourite feature is the selection of buildings with brickwork applied using computer chads. We had quite a chat about this when doing the shoot. Well, I have a box of them in store for a "one day" project...

All this and more in the May 2022 issue of BRM.

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