Friday, April 22, 2022

Saturn V


Just before I headed off to visit the National Space Centre, my Dad joked that he'd like me to bring him back a Saturn V rocket for the back garden. 

So, when in the process of exiting via the gift shop, I was pleased to find this edu-sa kit. I was even more pleased to find its price was only three quid. It's one thing I really like about the Space Centre, there are souveniers for all pockets. I know young Phil would have wanted to blow a little pocket money after a visit he would have loved, and if everything was too expensive, this would have put a dampener on the day. 

For my money, Dad found himself assembling several push-out bits made of plasticised card. He tells me everything popped out of the frets easily, and apart from the tricky top part of the rocket, it all went together perfectly too. OK, he's 73 years older than the recomended building age, but he still enjoyed assembling the kit while watching TV. Building it certainly isn't rocket sceince! *

The finished model is 21cm tall and 15cm wide. A nice size for bedroom display by any budding young engineer. 

*Note: Rocket science is actually pretty easy. Rocket engineering is the hard bit I'm told.


  1. As an engineer (though not a rocket engineer) thanks for reminding people that it is the rocket engineering that is the hard part! The rocket equation has been around almost 120 years: it’s the getting it to work that is the hard part!


  2. Check out the pumping station next door too if you're there again

  3. Jim - Already done this, and it's an excellent museum.
