Sunday, July 19, 2020

Etch brass face mask

Weeks ago, when I anticipated that the government were going to make face covering mandatory, I asked my mum to make me a couple of cotton ones. At the time you couldn't buy a mask, and anyway, I wanted something fun.

She quickly produced a VW camper mask along with a Dr Who one, from old bits of material. It's not just modellers who have a scrap box!

The only problem is that when I breath out, my glasses steam up. What the masks needed was something to hold them tight over the nose.

My solution was a slide a piece of leftover etched fret into the top seam. The corners were rounded off to stop them poking through the cloth near my eyes.

Does it work? Yes it does. The metal hold the material close to my nose and my glasses stay steam free. I've worn my mask several times in shops (I'm not a fan, but can see the logic and don't see the need to wait for Boris to stop faffing) and everything is fine.

Since doing this, I've also read the suggestion of using a piece of pipe cleaner to do the same job. I'd want a long length in there, just in case it pokes thought, but can see how this would work.

1 comment:

  1. The thin strip of metal is interesting - partly because it works - partly because a number of the disposable ones (from places like Home Bargains) use a very similar method for tightening the mask over the bridge of the nose.

    Otherwise, it seems to be a case of wearing the glasses over the mask, just like you do in the photo.

    Although I don't think this is perfect, I've found it helps with the masks I've used.

    To be brutally honest though, I probably won't get a lot of choice, the next time I go shopping for "project essentials" - with masks being required at both the shops in Wales I tend to deal with - and likely to be a legal requirement in a couple of weeks' time, when I'm next planning to visit Hereford.

    Still, this trek is likely to have its compensations - the "donor" models I'm looking for, sold to me by people I enjoy dealing with - followed by a short walk to another shop, where I'll be able to buy cider at sensible prices.

    Now I just need to pick the right day ... decisions ... decisions.
