Tuesday, August 31, 2021

N gauge Japanese Trams - Part Two

N gauge Japanese trams

Well, the kits aren't so much "shake the box" as "clip all the parts off the sprue and push them together" - construction of each model took minutes. In terms of pounds per minute of entertainment, they probably score lower than a pint of beer. I take longer to drink one of those than build both of these!

That said, these are rather nice, possibly even cute, models. The side windows could do with glazing, but apart from that, I can't fault them. 

You can see how the motorised chassis would fit into the body. No glue, no screws, just clips. If these are too tight, the body side can be eased away without damaging it. 

The toughest job was fitting the pantographs. The tubes these push in to are a bit tight, but a little wiggling did the job. 

Oh,and there are loads of, what I assume are rub-down decals. Except they didn't seem to want to rub down, so I left them off. 

So, curiosity satisfied, I will ponder what to do with them. There are super-micro Japanese layouts appearing on the web every so often, although these usually employ a four-wheel tram and because I wanted the orange livery, both of mine are bogie units. I'll start collecting images and add them to the "one day" list.

At least at 62mm long, they don't take up much space in the display case.

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