Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Narrow Gauge World and Model Boats appearances plus explosive Rapido action


A couple of out-of-the-ordinary appearances this month. 

My cartoon model of the Hood appears in the Readers Models section of Model Boats magazine. I mention that I'm not happy with calling it the "Hood" and the designer suggests "Pud" as another option. I think I quite like that...

Over in Narrow Gauge World, there is a review of Heljan's "Lyn" in 009 to which I contributed photos and a few comments on the running of the model. Andrew has sorted out the prototype detail as it's his area of expertise, something I appreciate for the next issue of BRM. 

Finally, I helped out with some filming for Rapido a few weeks ago. The results have appeared on the web. You have been warned!


  1. Outstanding film, Can’t wait for part two

  2. The best thing about you, Phil, is that you don't take yourself or your model-making too seriously. Love it!
