Monday, May 30, 2022

Get your desert off my lifeboat!


MOdel Trent and Brede lifeboats

I was really pleased with the way my pair of lifeboats looked at the boat club RNLI day a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, although the day dawned bright and sunny, we were treated to a few showers later on. Most people decided the rain wasn't that heavy and so left their boats out rather than scrambling to hide them away. 

Like the rest of my fellow micro-sailors, I reasoned that the models are waterproof, so I might as well stay in the dry. 

What I hadn't reckoned on, was the mess that would be left. 

Dirty model boat deck

How mucky is this? I should have realsied as my car usually looks like this after a shower - I believe it is dust from the Sahara Desert that has been carried up into the clouds, and drops back down, all over my boat. Grrr.

Washing the deck

So, my plan to drop the models back off in storage on the way back home was thwarted. Instead, each model had to spend time on the draining board as I washed the muck away as carefully as I could. A stiff brush, some washing up liquid and lots of clean water were required. I'd expected it to be easier than it was, that dust sticks!


  1. People would pay to have a model nicely weathered like that!

  2. Not a lifeboat, they tend to be super-clean. I left the wrong boat out in the rain! :-)

  3. For a minute I thought that the title read "Get your dessert off my lifeboat" and so was thinking that it was reporting some sort of cake related incident....

  4. More of a problem with SANDwiches...
