Sunday, May 29, 2022

Media Modelling show

Steampunk war machine

I've visited Hanslope Village Hall a few times - normally for the Smallspace Sci-fi modelling event. Spotting that there was something called "Media Modelling" taking place at the same venue, about 45 minutes away, and with a free Sunday, I decided to give it a go. 

When I arrived, it was obviously smaller than Smallspace, cars in the car park and no Daleks for a start! Still, for a couple of quid entry fee, I wasn't worried. 

Inside, there weren't many people. It seems that the advertising might have brought me in, but I was one of the few. Worse, there wasn't actually that much to see. Five tables of models and six selling kits plus a tool stall. Compared to Smallspace, that's a bit thin. 

What there was, was excellent. The models were superb. I'd seen Ian Chrichton's Steampunk modelling before, but there were a couple of displays new to me, and the rest are well worth a re-examination. 

For two quid, I can't complain. I did manage tobuy myself a kit, which will appear on here in due course. As you might expect, it's a bit mad!

More photos from Media Modelling on Flickr.


  1. gigantic iceberg ahead was cute . thanks for covering the event phil

  2. It's a clever model using a Meng Titanic and plastic veg.
