Thursday, July 05, 2018

Ben in 009

I'm not much of a loco buyer, prefering to build them myself. Normally, I'll have a crack at anything, but there was one kit I looked at many times and decided that it was beyond my abilities. Backwoods Miniatures Barclay Contractors loco in 009 (Link here, scroll down).

Building a high quality but fiddly chassis always put me off, even though I thought the loco looked delightful in the adverts. At the very least I would be required to quarter some tiny wheels and I'm no good at that in OO. Alongside this, I simply didn't have a real need for the model and there were (still are) plenty of kits in the "to do" pile.The kit isn't available any more and so I thought no more about it.

Fast forward a few years and I'm at the Oxford 009 show and on the society stand I spot a built up Barclay. After half a day of pondering, I ask to see if the model runs. It does, although a very slight tweak to the quartering might be required. Price £70 - a tenner less than the kit used to be sold for.
Barclay chassis
Looking at the chassis, it's not nearly as scary as I thought.The design looks not unlike some RTR 009 locos. The wheels would need to be set up, but turning the working bits over without a motor would be simple enough for fiddling.

All seems to work, but I fear the motor isn't long for this world. When running it heats up and a full speed blast for a couple of feet seems white smoke wafting off. Since nothing seems tight, I conclude that there is something bad going on in the windings. With Mashima motors being unavailable, I have to hope I have something suitable stashed away, or can one day replace it with another unit. The chassis design makes that look a distinct possibility, so I'm not worried.

Going back to the days when I looked longingly at the Backwoods adverts, they appealed so much I scratchbuilt my own version in 16mm scale, 32mm gauge. I was always rather poud of "Ben", so much so, I've ordered a set of Narrow Planet plates for the 009 version with the same name.

Ben the steam engine


Paul B. said...

Well, if you want to sell the unbuilt kit on...

As for the motor, have a look at N-Drive. They sell a 1015 replacement, which looks to be a good little motor although I haven't tried one yet (I have one sat ready to be fitted into a Saltford Models 009 Simplex). N-Drive don't list them on their website (at least I can't find it) so look for 'N-Drive 1015 12v DC micro motor' on eBay. The shaft is 1mm rather than 1.5 but they do supply a sleeve. Good price as well.

Phil Parker said...

Thanks - I'll have a look.

N-Drive said...

The 1015 motor is available directly from N-Drive and will appear on the website when I eventually get round to up-dating it as will the 3-009 contractors locos (including the Barclay) and the 00n3 Irish range from Backwoods Miniatures which I am now also responsible for. It is hoped that when the 009 locos are re-introduced a rtr chassis will be available as an option.