Friday, October 26, 2018

Tri-ang 11" motor cruiser

Triang Boat and box

A nice crossover purchase for me - a model boat, made by a manufacturer better know for model railways. 

"Burnham" was produced between 1960 and 1968 by Lines Brothers for Triang. Powered by a clockwork motor, the key is notable for featuring both companies names. 

Winding is a fiddly process as the propeller has to be held still. Once released, it whizzes away for some time - exactly how long I'll find out when I get this model on the water. 

Once running, a mast with navigation light fits into the keyhole. 

Steering is achieved by setting the brass rudder and hoping it stays put to turn the boat so it come back to the bank. This example seems a bit floppy so might need a bit of a crimp before launching. 

Bought at the recent toyfair, my model is really smart, comes with it's key, forward mast but not the rear flagpole (if there ever was one) and seems pretty mint. All for £30 after a little haggling. 

Had it been a lot cheaper and in much worse condition, I'd consider a motor and radio control transplant, but the model is too nice to mess with, and I do have a couple of other candidates for this sort of work in the future. 

As it is, this fits with the giraffe cars and other Triang products in my collection. Railway modellers will consider this "impure" but I the "off-piste" products produced by both Triang and Hornby groups fascinate me.


Anonymous said...


Nice model and a bit of a bargain as a non-working one of these is on a certain site for £65.

But I really wanted to bring your attention to the date range for the original product run in the blog. This boat must have time travelled backwards from 191960. :)


Phil Parker said...

Thanks. Now fixed, it's no longer a boat from the future!