Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Inlaid track


Inlaid track

A few more pics from Glasgow, this time some inlaid track along the quayside.

I don't think this is decorative stuff installed recently. If it is, turning the area into a car park hardly seems like the best use of it afterwards!

Inlaid Track

For modellers, the challenge is the rail itself. I've read suggestions of soldering a piece on its side along the running rail. That would be tricky, but looking at this stuff, I can see how it would work. 

There is also an inlaid weighbridge table. 

Something I've not seen before. Obviously the cobbles fill the space where a cast iron table would be. We can't have Audi's falling down holes, can we?


James Finister said...

See this kink for the track plan

James Finister said...

Or even a link, now I have my glasses on

Phil Parker said...

I was too polite to discuss your "kink"...