Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tri-ang shop in "The Collector"


The latest issue of the Hornby Collector's club house magazine drops through the letterbox, and in it is my contribution, a build of the Tri-ang "Real Estate" Hardware store. 

I'd never heard of the range before, until I found this kit on Cheltenham Model Centre's stand at a show. I picked it up out of curiosity, and it's sat on the shelf ever since. Then I started building retro kits for The Collector, and it seemed like an excellent subject. 

If you'd like to know more about this range, I recommend this website. It allowed me to date my kit to 1962, as the range changed name in 1963.

Having built one, I'm now on the lookout for more, so if you have anything tucked away, and don't want huge amounts of cash for it, I'd be interested. More on this tomorrow. 



Anonymous said...

The Triang plastic building ranges of the early sixties were rather good, a big contrast to the locos and rolling stock; and the reverse applied to Hornby Dublo. You’ve done your usual first rate job here, Phil!

Phil Parker said...

Thanks. Even allowing for a few missing bits, it was a lovely kit to build.