Sunday, September 29, 2024

London wandering

Regents Canal lock

I love London. It's a city you can wander randomly around, and find interesting things. A couple of weeks ago, I enjoyed a couple of days in Kings Cross, and before breakfast on the Friday, I went for a stroll. 

Heading up to the "Coal Drops", what is now place for high-end eateries and shops. But there is also the St Pancras lock, which I rather like the look of. In the middle of a lot of modern architecture, it seems a bit out of place, but then this mix of ancient and modern is one of the things I love. 

Of course, it wasn't the only place I visited, so here is a fuller album on Flickr.


Christopher Payne said...


I especially liked the shot of the cabman's shelter.


James Finister said...

I've always liked that area. Before a lot of the regeneration it was where thold CPO who worked for me introduced me to proper bacon liver and onions in a wonderful Italian cafe

Phil Parker said...

Cabmans shelters - love them.

Any food with liver in it - no thanks!

Apple Tree said...

Some great pictures. As you say, London is full of interest as history has been laid down over time in layers and you are constantly surprised by what appears.