Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Film Club: The Hollyhead breakwater railway

This is an odd little film, on an interesting subject. Ignore the robot voiceover, with its use of "zero" when "Oh" would be better, and enjoy a selection of still images, some of which were new to me. You'll also need to ignore the odd appearance of a Hornby 06, under what I think is a Lima container crane in the middle of the film. 

It's still well worth a watch though. Now, how about a model? I have a loco...


Christopher said...

I was amused to hear that the locos were built from 1956 onwards, but were renumbered by British Railways in 1948 into the D-series!… So neither of the breakwater locos survived, and the two preserved examples were withdrawn from BR service before TOPS renumbering? I see that Judith Edge has a 4 mm scale etched kit covering all five members of the class.

James Finister said...

Phil Parker said...

James - That's Ben Bucki's work. He tried to comment that it's his 06 in the middle of the film, but Google fought him.

"Tried commenting on the blog but it wouldn't let me. Loved the Holyhead vid you shared, and the 'surprising' inclusion of the diorama I built for the Hornby Collector mag in the middle of the vid (yep, that was my repainted 06 shunter)..."