A OO guage chassis is quite a bit narrower than scale. The two cyclinders are scale width. Something has to give. Either they breathing in a lot or one of them goes in the spares box.
Sadly, the long horizontal cyclinder will be left for the P4 modellers. It's width is about the same as my chassis narrowness. I don't think anyone will notice.
Would knocking up a couple of undersize cylinders from plastic tube sort out that particular problem?
Then at least all of the parts are in place, even if they're a bit smaller than they should be.
If there was more space, I might think about this but here I'd have to distort the proportions of each cylinder so there enough depth to show below the buffer beam but still squeeze in the gap.
I'm no too fussed as I don't think these are that obviouls on the model anyway. Maybe if I cared that much, I'd be a P4 modeller!
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