This was me last weekend - standing outside in the fresh air, helping people find parking spaces. I have a nice, thick Day-Glo jacket and it's a job someone has to do, so I volunteered to be on the team.
On a weekend already under a cloud thanks to Coronavirus, Saturday didn't start well thanks to someone breaking into the hall and ransacking one of the traders stands. I'm not going to say much about this, but you can read a brief report on RMweb if you want to know more. Suffice to say, the scum were professional. They knew what they wanted and got it. Fortunately, nothing irreplaceable was damaged or stolen.
Anyway, my car park duties kept me busy most of the weekend so I didn't see much of the show. This didn't stop me spending money. The second-hand stall had a box with my name on it. Well, it had all the bits (chassis, wheels, motor etc) to build a GT3 - all except the body, but guess who bought one of those a few years ago and had never got around to buying the parts to get it running?

When I did get a look around, there seemed to be a lot of N gauge. I know this is just what I spotted, but it didn't matter as there was a lot of really good N gauge. They much be good, we've had them in the magazine...
Anyway, I enjoyed my weekend. It might sound daft, but it's nice to be useful. There were loads of happy people who said nice things about the event when they left too, so if you smiled and didn't run me over, thank you for coming.
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