Friday, January 03, 2025

Ballast in hessian sacks


Peco ballast
I love a good model shop, especially one where they have built up a healthy pile of "stuff" over the years. 

My December trip to the SVR includes a stroll down to Footplate Models, and a long chat with Derek about the world of model railways. I also get to look in the back room, which contains piles of models, and some delights. 

Anyway, he knows my interest in historic model railway stuff, and bring out a box. In the box are a couple of hassian bags, full of ballast. Each is the size of a donut, and both were made before I was born. 

ERG ballast

The bags were full, and sealed, so I couldn't peek to see if the contents were both the same. They weren't for sale either, or I'd have been tempted to add them to my collection!

Date-wise, I'm thinking late 1950s and early 60s, but that's nothing more than a guess. I wonder how many other examples there are out in the model railway community?

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