Four years ago, I made a couple of films for Modelrailway.tv It appears that one of these, The Melbridge Box Company, is still on-line and available for free viewing.
Update: Sorry. I didn't watch it all the way through when I wrote the post. Apparently you get the first half and then an offer to pay to see the rest - I'd assumed it was all free. Apologies to all the people who have been highly offended by this. All links have now been removed.
Hi Phil.
I am afraid it was not free viewing for me. You were just getting into your stride and the video was interrupted by an invitation to subscribe to continue seeing the rest of the video. I feel sure that was not your intention when you agreed to do it.
There are plenty of very good instructional model rail videos on Youtube available for free. All credit to those modellers who are willing to share their expertise with others for free.
Keep up the good work! I enjoy reading your blog on a daily basis and that is free.
David Halls
Ooops. Sorry - I'll admit I didn't watch all the way through. It won't be free for me either, all I got out of doing it was fuel expenses and a month's free use of the site which expred a long while ago!
I thought free video would mean free to watch, not free to start. From what I saw i was a nice video.
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