Another building I know nothing about other than it's on Pakenham Street in London, and I we walked past on the way to Mail Rail, I thought it looked rather interesting.
Despite the wintery weather, I managed to grab a couple of photos on our way back to St Pancras. The courtyard looks particularly modelable, especially that fire escape. I'm guessing this was once a factory or workshop. Judging by the level of detail in the red brickwork, quite an important one.

I have a set of Goad Fire Insurance plans at work. These are a fascinating resource as they should historical use, building materials, internal layout and structural features.
The 1927 plan shows this whole site to be 'Carter Paterson & Co Garage'. By 1951 - the next plan issued - the northern part is CP Hodgson Ltd Printers, the central inset part is marked 'Book Binders' and the southern part is a 'packing warehouse'. In 1960 and 1967, the printers remain while the whole of the other part is marks as Book Binders. Whether the printers and book binders are the same company I don't know.
As I say, an invaluable resource for an anorak like me!
Fantastic old building.
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