Tuesday, January 07, 2025



The kit balcony rails aren't bad - at least for laser-cut wood. Round metal ones would be nice, but I'm not in the mood to make a set, and anyway, I doubt anything I produce would be that much better. 

What I can do is round off the top and end rails. Hopefully, this will look OK when painted. I'm not dodging in and out of the fancy curved bits with a sander though!

The plain walkway didn't look great either, so I scribed a piece of plywood, and then notched it to fit around the handrails and dor moulding. If I can keep this natural wood colour, then it will look a lot better. A small detail, but worthwhile. 

The only other job was to make some steps to save my minature passengers leaping up from the platform. I can't find the photo of these, so you'll have to wait for another day. Don't get too excited, we're talking a couple of rectangles of wood in each corner, nothing fancy. This is supposed to be a quick project.

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