It's the law - you go to a show, you come away with a box. So, what did I bring home from Ally Pally?
First, I did remember to pick up MEK and Woodland Scenics scatter. Thanks for the reminders to those who remembered though. I wasn't going to be allowed to forget!
Interesting that Squires has swapped Slater's MEK for Barrie Stevenson's. This makes a difference to the price. My old half litre cost £27.80 back in February 2022. One litre from Mr Stevenson is £24.99. I wonder how long this will last?
Now on to the silly stuff.
One corner of the second-hand stand, was piled high with rocket kits. Someone selling a collection apparently. Not really my thing, I can't help wondering how you stop a model of the ISS falling apart when it's made of plastic and living in gravity, but I like the look of this Mercury kit. It is pretty comprehensive with a launchpage and support vehicles.
I'm in London, so of course I'll buy a Thames Barge kit. At 1:83, it's sadly not a useful railway scale, but the finished model will be a modest size, so it is possible I'll get this one built one day. No, I won't be trying to put radio control in it.
The kit came from a railway preservation stand on Sunday afternoon, and I suspect they were grateful to find someone like me to take it off their hands!
Finally, the really weird one.
I knew nothing about this when I bought it, other than it was in the running for the weirdest thing I've ever bought from a show. And for a fiver, I am curious enough to want to know more. I have taped the box up to stop bits dropping out. Besides, who else would have paid money for the thing?
This deserves a post of its own, but in case you are wondering exactly what it is, this web page has the answer.
Not too expensive an event. OK, I could live without everything apart from the MEK and scatter, but where's the fun in that?
I think I need a Digi -comp. In fact i wish I'd had one 35 years ago when I was running intense IT boot camps for auditors. A differnt version here. don't remember seeing one when I was at Bletchley earlier this month.
You probably already knew this Phil, but Slater’s Mek Pak is not the same solvent as Barrie Stevenson’s M.E.K. (Methyl Ethyl Ketone, AKA Butanone).
Butanone can be used on ABS, and it will also work on styrene. I gave up on Mek Pak as I found it evaporated from the bottle quicker than I could use it (I’m not a prolific modeller), and I don’t care much for the smell. Butanone does seem less volatile, so your container ought to last you a while!
I hadn't twigged that, but you are right. It's probably a more useful glue in that respect. I'll find out.
It reminds me of my days doing "computer studies" at school. Lessons on Ferrite Core Memory, which was obselete in the 1980s, but the school still considered it useful for us to know about.
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