Down in the basement something stirred. It was the sound of DOGA members being allowed to have a look in the bowels of the Model Railway Club. What we found were bits of their finescale 2mm layout "Copenhagen Fields" and on the front as part of the street scene, this incredible model of a DeHavalin DH2 biplane being transported to the Imperial War Museum.
Unless you are viewing this site on one of those new fangled mobile telephones, then the picture you are looking at is larger than life size. In reality is is absolutely tiny. And exquisite.
Being a careful sort of chap who appreciates other model makers work, I didn't touch the aeroplane but judging by the neatness and quality of the work, the cross members and spars must be etched in metal and painted to look like wood. The assembly of these parts is incredibly neat too - if I wore a hat I'd take it off to whoever built this one.
More on the DH2 at Wikipedia
And in case you were wondering just how small a part of the layout this scene is, here's the full model:
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