For those who aren't nerdy about scribing tools, this is a well made device for drawing lines in soft surfaces such as the face of cardboard. At the end of the prongs sticking out of each end is a tiny ball. One end is larger than the other.
The wooden handle is comfortable to hold and it's easy to produce consistent depressions, not grooves as you would get with a knife, in the card. I quickly and cleanly marked up some brickwork. Yes, I know you can only see the horizontal lines in the picture, the verticals are there but white card marked in white is difficult to photograph.
4 quid for a blunt metal spike probably seems like an odd way to divest yourself of money to some. Not me, I anticipate marking out lots of paving slabs with this thing in the future.
Amaco T-3 tool came from Freestone Model Accessories.
Good tools are an investment and probably a better way of spending the hard-earned than buying yet another RTR impulse buy that'll sit in a drawer forgotten. I saw these on a stand at the recent Stafford show and was tempted. £4 gets you a very nicely made tool that'll last for years and do much good work.
You can buy a similar item for manicuring your nails. They come in packs of 4 tools, each with a different sized ball on each end for a couple of quid. I think that they are used for applying dots of different colours on top of painted nails. Kevin
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