Public transport worked perfectly. My train got me to the station in time to get a good seat on the 1973 (same age as my Beetle, that's how I know) Leyland Bus. We trundle though the countryside and are deposited at the showground just before opening time. A couple of chaps left their seats and were standing on the stairs as we entered the showground site. Not sure how much time this was to save them but I suppose they were in a hurry.
I wasn't. There was a healthy queue and so I repaired to the excellent cafe beside the queue to have tea and since I didn't fancy a cream cake at 10am, a paddling pool sized custard tart which was delicious. It lasted me until the back end of the crowd was level with the window I could see out of. After this, 5 minutes saw me inside.
Heading for the back hall to avoid the crowd, I perused the second hand stall but there wasn't anything I fancied adding to my collection of unstarted projects so I moved on the trade and layouts.
Or at least I tried. Truth is, I spent the entire day talking to people. In fact this was the first time I've wished a show went on longer as I left at 4:30pm (didn't want to risk aiming for the last bus) and could have done with another hour. There was at least 2 people I wanted to chat to who I didn't get the chance and I think quite a lot of layouts that didn't receive the attention they deserved.
Of those I saw, I loved the micro layout selection. It's my sort of thing. I mean, I've seen Gresley Beat (surely and deservedly the favourite layout of most visitors) but it's not what I want to build. I can't say there was a duff layout there either. In fact the balance seemed more varied than some years with something for everyone.
My shopping list was the only disappointment. I went with one item on it, a diesel loco crew and came away empty handed. Well, not so much empty handed as I didn't find one to buy. I still managed to fill my bag with other stuff though. You'd have thought that with so many diesels models out there, crews would be ten-a-penny but obviously not.
If you decide to fill that gap in the market, you owe me 10% for pointing it out. Or the price of another custard tart. Mmmmmm.
My photos of the show on Flickr
1 comment:
A good show as usual. Foston Mills was the gem of the show for me, absolutely superb with not a thing out of place. I got there just after opening and left just before closing, and could happily have returned on Sunday for more.
I believe that there were a few thefts from trade stands on Saturday, or at least thats how I interpreted the 'code blue - be vigilant' call-outs on the Tannoy. If so thats a real shame.
I did spot you but you were always chatting so I didn't say hello.
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