The event has snuck up on us without really noticing and I was busy first thing in the morning supporting my sister when she took part in a 10K run. This was over by mid-morning though and with the event only an hour away, we went for it.
You'd think that attendance was a no-brainer but in truth, although the first years even was very good, last year was a bit flat. Checking the web in the run-up all I could find on Model Boat Mayhem forum was a list of traders followed by the caveat:
This list is off the top of my head if any of the traders are NOT at the show please DO NOT BLAME ME.......These are the usual traders that attend shows
Basically, no-one knew. The organisers seemed reluctant to enlighten anyone either. There was no website and not even an official announcement on the forum. Odd.
The problem is that for this sort of event, trade matters. Ordering on-line is OK but sometimes you want to have a dig through the bits. You might even buy things you hadn't expected to want. Based on the drop in trade from year 1 to 2, we ha;f expected to walk in to an empty hall.
As it was, the hall was fuller than the first year. Trade was good, displays were good. Some we disappointed by the lack of water to sail on but I'm not that fussed.
I picked up all the bits I need to make my next project work. I could have picked up more projects but I have enough already thank you. Had I taken along some photos of the prototype, something precluded by the last-minute decision to go, I'd have picked up some detailing parts to. Never mind, I have a pretty good idea where these are coming from.
Boats on display seemed restricted in subject. Although there was something for everyone, it helped if you liked lifeboats (I do) or grey boat (not fussed) as these were heavily represented.
Anyway, a good show. We'll probably go next year. Maybe then we'll be told in advance who will be filling the hall up.
Photos from the show on Flickr.
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