Want a boat, but don't need the hassle of modelling water?
Allow me to introduce BK536 "Freedom". Built in 1991 in Falmouth, the hull of this trawler allows her to sit on the cobbles so the crew don't need to get their wellies wet when coming ashore.
I'm kidding, boats sometimes need to be able to sit in port when the tide has gone out. I've seen older vessels with a leg on each side to achieve the same effect. The design of this hull presumably provides stability when at sea as well as supporting it on land.
Model this and at least you are spared the worry of cutting a hole in the sea, or lopping the hull off at the waterline.
Sadly, just after taking this shot, I managed to drop the camera on those very hard cobbles, something that did it no favours at all. Don't do it kids, unless you like spending money on photographic equipment.
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