I like this boat because it's so normal. You'll find dozens of similar vessels on any quayside.
According to the registry, she was built in 1984 and is called Lillian.
Her actual use is a bit of a mystery to me - looking at the lifting gear I'm thinking tending to lobster pots would be a good guess. You aren't going to want to go very far offshore in her when the weather is poor. At least I wouldn't.

There's some nice detail on the side with wooden fenders to protect the fibreglass hull from bashing against the quay wall. Blue anti-fouling paint too, not the red I normally expect.
Hello Phil, I can help you here with a bit more info given that i work in a boat yard. This is a crabbing boat and the small block on that jib up forward is used to haul the pots. the metal work on the back is where the pots are stored to keep them out of the boat. most of the wooden metal fendering is to stop the hauled pots knocking seven bells out of the gel-coat on the fibreglass hull. Hope that explains a few of the parts on this vessel. I am currently building a Aldeburgh beach boat for my layout.
Thank you. Very interesting. I see lots of boats like this but it's always a little bit of a mystery exactly how they work. It's nice to find out more!
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