Monday, July 17, 2023

Do NOT glue...


The Bulldog should, if built correctly, have working steering. This means there are quite a lot of parts that mustn't come into contact with the glue. 

First, we have a sterring stuport, which is made in two halves with a plastic axle within. First go, glue seeped where it wasn't wanted and gummed it up. I quickly pulled things apart, and then had the good sense not to try and rush thing - leaving all the parts to dry before sanding and reassembly. 

On the second attempt, with some really tiny dots of Contacta cement, all went well. 

The cog you see poking out of the bottom of the support, should engage with a cog inside the body. A cog, I had forgotten to fit. 

My excuse is that, if fitted when the instructions tell you too, one end is floating free and will fall out. So it's Pola's fault. 

Anyway, the bidy had been assembled by this point and a sensible person would just write off working steering as a gimmick they didn't need. I'm not sensible, so forced a blade along the join and prised the body halves opon. OK, a bit of plastic cracked, but it's plastic, a touch of glue will fix this if required - it wasn't. 

I'll admit the job was a bit brutal, but at least the steering should move!

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