Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Centre Models Leek & Manifold Coach kit


Ever since I built a Centre Models Avonside in a weeked at a show for a hastily-arranged demo, I've been fascinated by the firm, and their products. 

The locos, I'm reasonably familiar with, but I didn't know there were coaches. Until I saw this. 

Produced to accompany the firms' whitemetal locomotive from the same line, it's so different from the rest, I wonder if parts were bought in. 

Clear plastic, pre-printed sides look a lot like the products of PC Models, who made a range of standard gauge kits with printed sides. 

We also have a sheet of black plastic sheet, marked out for cutting, some whitemetal parts for bogies and solebars, etched balcony gates, and Peco wheels. 

To be honest, I don't fancy building this, as it's going to be pretty basic, and any attempt to detail will require paint matching, or even repainting, which takes away the point of the printed sides! I suppose in the era this was produced, it would be a significant aid to scratchbuilding, but now, nothing more than an exercise in nostalgia. 

That said, poking around in the box has been interesting, which is what this is all about. 

If anyone fancies adding this to their collection, £15 quid plus postage and it's yours. If not, I'll get around to popping it on eBay at some point.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

This kit appears to provide a set of parts for the underframe, and it is up to the modeller to effectively scratch-build the body? I believe that the prototype coach sides had horizontal and vertical beading, which does not appear to be represented on these pre-printed sides. (I also wonder about the window sizes.) Probably state-of-the-art for the 1970s? No thanks Phil! ;-)