Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Paint on


Sometimes, an evening of modelling can generate several posts. Not this time. Getting the paint on the Roundhouse coach has been a bit of a mamoth effort, taking several sessions. 

First thoughts on the livery involved white above the wasitline, and so I put on some fresh Revell Matt white. But it didn't look right.

Next, I changed to Humbrol 121. This creamy colour looked nicer, but took four coats applied with a flat brush. To be honest, I've never really got on with flat brushes, but didn't have a big enough round one. Yes, I could have sprayed, but it was cold in the garage so I didn't fancy it. In my head, avoiding the masking and airbrush cleaning is a good thing, but in truth, it probably would have been quicker. If Humbrol would put 121 in a spray can, I'd defintely have used it. 

The green is another Revell colour. I'd visited the excellent hardware shop in Bourne and picked up some fresh. This only required two coats, but again, that's time. The black bits were all one coat Revell anthracite. 

Window frames were stained with some Coach & Wagon Works walnut colour, and then individually glazed. I didn't do a great job with the Glue'n'glaze as there are bits on the plastic, but I doubt anyone will notice with the coach is in a train. 

Every frame needed a little adjustment, but they are now in. Phew!

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