Monday, January 08, 2024

Dockside buildings

Since I'm a bit sort of new content right now, I'm digging through old photos. It's an interesting job, and from 2009, I find this taken at Banbury show. 

I believe the layout is "Milton Quays", built by the Milton Keynes model railway club. This is a small section as I recall, but the quayside was the bit that interests me, hence the photo. 

Some nice scratchbuilt dockside warehouses here, and a USA tank shunting in front of them. This will have been built from a Wills whitemetal kit. No RTR version then! And yes, I do have one of those kits stashed away, and do intend to build it. One day. 

I'd say this is a shot before the crowds came in, due to the lack of rolling stock. The loco will have been track testing - a quick whizz around the layout to prove everything works.

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