Sunday, September 30, 2007

Flockborough wakes up

Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.

Today, Flockburgh came out of hibernation. It’s off to Sudbury show next weekend with us in tow.

As usual we had forgotten how to assemble the clever flat-pack legs. This is perfectly normal and is only discovered when the boards go on and don’t line up properly. The whole set up is a 3D jigsaw made of plywood. The system works really well so we stick with them despite the fun and games.

Once up there were a few bugs to be fixed:

  • A pair of dry joints which were quickly heated up and repaired.

  • The point motor for the sidings only threw in one direction. Half a gallon of WD40 later and a lot of manual waggling and it was back to its reliable self.

  • The fiddle yard end of the look failed in one direction. This was due to a lose wire in the plug between panel and baseboard.

Apart from this all was fine. Most of the locos are OK. The class 22 only works in one direction so I’ll need to take a look inside this. I need to adjust the pick-ups in the Y7 too, but this isn’t vital as it rarely makes an appearance. Even I can’t properly justify it on this model !

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