Last week we looked at Haarlam Mill proper, but beside it is another interesting building, or at least the remains of one. From what little is left, I'd say this was a 1950s structure but you are welcome to correct me on this.

Wandering around derelict buildings isn't normally advisable but this one seemed pretty safe. In fact I wondered quite why demolition had stopped at this point. The roof is gone and most of the walls but not all. Surely half a days work with a bulldozer would finished the job? Yet there was no sign of any machinery or ongoing work.
At the back of the building is a weighing machine that might be a useful detail for modellers.

Too small for lorries, presumably it weighted goods barrowed in through the double doors next to it.
At one corner of the building was another surprise.

Best guess is this is an air raid shelter. Poking my head in the doorway, the corridor appears to go of under the earth bank. Not seen this design before but I'd guess (there is a lot of guessing this week) it's designed to be large enough to shelter the workforce, hence a bit bigger than domestic models.
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